Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tips on trying to date a girl thats straigt when your bi....?

my freind dosent have a computer so i promised id ask if you all have any tips for a girl trying to date a girl thats stragight also how do you break down that your bi?Tips on trying to date a girl thats straigt when your bi....?
I'm probably going to get a lot thumbs down for this, but us lesbians/bisexuals need to back off the straight women. Us hitting on a known straight woman is like a heterosexual man trying to get with a lesbian--you're chances are slim. There have been too many cases in my town where women have been beat up because they happened across a homophobic straight girl. Proceed with caution people.Tips on trying to date a girl thats straigt when your bi....?
Well honestly you might want to keep that you are bi to yourself when trying to date a girl, Think about it, when you date a guy they don't want to hear about how you like girls, Its the same with girls, just ask her out and be your self!

I wish you luck!

Oh, And if you ever wanna give guys a try hit me up,
Um, don't?

Seriously. I'm sure a lesbian wouldn't appreciate a man trying to get her to date him. Same thing with a straight woman and another woman.
she needs to be straight up with her, and tell the girl they can keep their relationship on the down low if she dosent want anyone to know.

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